Customer Testimonials

What do customers say about us


Bonn Group of Industries, Ludhiana

Bonn Group of Industries is one of the largest manufacturers of bakery products in North India. Being a faithful customer of CS aerotherm, they are happy with both the quality of the equipment and service offered by CS aerotherm.

Karachiwala Bakery

Check out the customer testimonials/reviews from our fans. We demonstrate that we are one of the best bakery equipment manufacturers in India.


A happy customer of CS aerotherm

With best-in-class quality and service, the customer is very happy using CS aerotherm equipment. 

Another satisfied customer

Another few satisfied customer for CS aerotherm.


Our Happy Customer

B for Bakers is on of our happy customers since 2017. Being extremely happy with the quality for our machines and service, they have been our repeat customers and always prefer CS aerotherm bakery machines.

An amazing testimonial from Monginis Foods

Our customer since 2011, we have been extremely happy to serve our customers.


MMX Foods

MMX Foods - Guided by CS aerotherm, growing in leaps and bounds

Popular Bakery

Popular Bakery Products Varanasi - Holy bread made in CS aerotherm ovens.


Aditya Confectionery, Nagaon, Assam

A long time satisfied, customer of CS aerotherm Aditya Confectionery is very satisfied with the CS aerotherm quality and service.

Singh Bakers, Punjab

Customer impressed with the versatility of our ovens...


Brown Bunch Bakery, Jamshedpur

Brown Bunch Bakery our customer since 2015, is happy with quality and service of CS aerotherm.

TGB Bakery, Ahmedabad

A highly satisfied customer, always happy to try our new machines.


O G Variar & Sons, Variar Bakery, Bangalore

One of our first customers, Mr OG Vijayshankar of O G Variar & Sons, Variar Bakery has always stood by CS aerotherm. Variar Bakery started more than 32 years back and gives Bangalore some of the best bakery products.

Prakash Food Products, Nashik

Our extremely happy customer Mr Vinod from Prakash Food Products, Nashik, Maharashtra vouches and recommends CS aerotherm products to the customers.

Copyright ©CS aerotherm Pvt Ltd, 143H Bommasandra Industrial Area, Hosur Main Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560099, India